The challenge
Babson Global is a subsidiary of world-leading entrepreneurship education institution Babson College. It produces an annual report on entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia and a biannual publication on women’s entrepreneurship in the country through the Babson Global Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (BGCEL). Both reports are published in English and Arabic.
The team at BGCEL needed a trusted partner to provide an end-to-end service and keep track of a complex project with many moving parts. Sensitivity to the cultural context surrounding the reports was also key.
The solution
We’ve delivered these publications successfully over the last 4 years. We offer a full range of report production services, including copyediting, creating design concepts, translating from English into Arabic, producing and/or sourcing images, laying out the English and Arabic reports, and proofreading in both languages.
- We save the BGCEL team large amounts of time by managing a complex process involving multiple language versions, feedback from a broad range of stakeholders, and tight deadlines.
- We contribute creativity and novelty to the reports by producing a range of design concepts and sourcing images (where photography is required) or producing hand-drawn illustrations. We also come up with effective ways to communicate complex statistical data in a reader-friendly way through words and images.
- We offer peace of mind by paying attention to key cultural considerations around the language and images used in the report.
- We help the reports to have an impact on BGCEL’s various stakeholders by ensuring the highest quality across all stages of the process.