What is copyediting?
Copyediting is a more hands-on review of your document than proofreading, which is about ironing out the final creases before a document is published. A copyeditor usually works on the raw material before a document has gone to a designer, typesetter or publisher. This allows the changes to be implemented before the text is laid out, avoiding time-consuming adjustments later on. For many of our clients, we work in two phases: copyediting first, then proofreading once the document is in its final form.
Alongside copyediting, we offer a reference-checking service, which ensures that your bibliography or reference list is consistent, complete and formatted in line with your chosen referencing style. We can also provide a specialist indexing service.
If your document has already been edited and you’re simply looking for a final polish, check out our proofreading services. For many projects, we provide both copyediting and proofreading, with or without a design stage in between.