Public sector

Quality-assured copyediting, proofreading, copywriting and translation services

Public sector copyediting

Complex ideas communicated clearly

Public sector proofreading

Taking a fine-toothed comb to your documents

Public sector copywriting

Compelling copy to get your message across

Public sector translation

Making your message clear in any language

Whipping your publications into shape

Whether you’re putting together complex research reports, internal process documents or high-profile comms campaigns, we know how important it is to get every detail of your publications just right. Our extensive experience in a range of key sectors and detailed knowledge of the international arena – coupled with the assurance of our ISO 9001 certification – means that we can rise to the challenges that working with global organisations involves.

Tate & Clayburn provides specialist copyeditingproofreadingcopywritingtranslation and design services to EU institutions, national governments and other public sector organisations. We’ve built a reputation for speed, accuracy, value and outstanding customer service. Our scalable capacity and flexible team mean we can handle the unexpected and deliver to tight turnaround times without sacrificing quality.


Why choose Tate & Clayburn?


Certified quality

We’ve achieved the globally recognised ISO 9001:2015 quality management certification.

Exceptional team

Our hand-picked experts are trusted by hundreds of discerning clients worldwide.

Trust and confidentiality

We treat our clients’ data and intellectual property with the utmost care.

Customer service

Our customers give great feedback – because we don’t rest until they’re thrilled with our work.

Capacity and speed

We draw on all the resources we need to fit in with your schedule.
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